Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Father's Heart..

Current read: Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship by Jack Frost. 

A must read!

 I am a changed person knowing my Father's heart better with the help of this book. The revelation of how the Father has been misrepresented in my life has been life changing. Whether through circumstances or through our earthly relationships, our perception of the Father might be tarnished. 

Reading through the Bible's Old Testament, we see a view of a Holy God that was distant. That was our perception. But if we only knew that He was the One that set the redemption plan in motion from the beginning of the Fall of Adam and Eve, perhaps we would see Him through different eyes. When Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, we thought God turned from a loving God to a God that was mad at us. If we only knew His gracious heart was  to stop Adam and Eve from touching the Tree of Life so that they would not eat of that fruit and live FOREVER in their sin. WOW! Isn't God's heart good? He loves us so..

The best representation of the Father would be Jesus, the Son. 

So Jesus explained, "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. ~John 5:19

Jesus always loved no matter the circumstance, or the person. Dining with the tax collectors and prostitutes, calling Judas his friend (though he could foretell what was waiting for him) and healing the leper who would be scorned upon and avoided. This is the Jesus who revealed the Father's heart that never turned away but confronted the hurting, the bad and the ugly with His furious love. 

God isn't mad at me. He loves me. More than I will ever know.

 This is a mere beginning of my journey of discovering the Father's Heart and Love anew...will you join me? 

Keep reading and we'll exchange notes soon.. 

Photo Credit: Amanda Jane Jone's Blog

Thursday, August 8, 2013

{ s.l.g loves } singing talent shows..

Who doesn't love seeing stars discovered as they belt out those high notes or serenade us with the rich tones of their voices..

Here are just a few of my favourites.. enjoy! 

What pure talent of a young boy that won so many hearts :)

My favourite "battle rounds" duo in The Voice series :)

Reminds me never to judge a book by it's cover ..beautiful voice! Well done! :)

What a friendship! Well worth the standing ovation and tears..Charlotte you are amazing. I knew the moment you looked at Jonathan at the beginning to calm his nerves..takes a great friend to do that! Keep it up!

AWESOME isn't it!  Oh well...I'm off to bed now! 

{ s.l.g bakes } Baked Cheesecake with Blueberries

It was my day off today! Weeeee..

Had a catch up over brunch.
Hit the gym for two hours. (I know right! I'm proud of me too!)
Grocery shopping.
Tidied the house.
Baked a Cheesecake.

It was indeed a happy day!

Just followed a classic recipe from
the Good Food Channel.

Happy Thursday all!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A different kind of love...

I thought I knew the meaning of love. 
But I find myself standing dumbfounded once again with the revelation of the greatness of my heavenly Father's love.


There was a song that we kept singing in church lately and there was a phrase that resonated and caught my attention. The phrase none other than "Holy Love". This love that we seldom experience anywhere else but in the Father's presence.

His love is powerful but not forceful. 
His love is pure and not demanding. 
His heart is kind and not judgmental.
His love is unconditional. 

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

Last weekend, I had the honour of sitting in a Planetshaker's Leaders' Meeting with Bill Johnson. He shared profoundly on the heart of the Father. My Father's heart is to fulfill every dream, desire and wants of his child. Yes! I said WANTS. Not just needs. We often skip way past this part because we refuse to be labelled narcissistic or self centred. But Father offers His love freely to everyone, without long lists of qualifications or conditions. Yes we might not deserve it but that is the nature of His Holy Love. He likes to wow us with signs that make us constantly wonder or leave us in awe like a child. He wants to bless you with everything you want, not just so we will be blessed but because the world needs to know that the Father is good. 

So, my heart is for you to discover my God's love today. One that knows no bounds..He loves matter what "BUT"s you put after that sentence. He is LOVE.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Celebrating my beautiful friend, P.J!

Today we celebrate my friend's birthday. She is the most generous, kind hearted and loving friend. We've been friends since I was six. How amazing to see how God has gifted me with this friendship. From being childhood friends, to housemates, to her being my boss. She is one of my best friends, that have seen my worst sides to share my courageous victories in life...I truly cherish this friendship. 

Hope you feel ridiculously pampered this week. Here are some snaps from your huge birthday bash last Saturday! Love you lots, P.J!

What an honour to decorate with these two, Ai Jet & Lily. 

The night before. Decided to go for a different look
this time..wild and free!

Be blessed my friends!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

{s.l.g bakes} Baked Cheese Cake

Baked my first cheesecake today. Inspired by mouth-watering photos in Donna Hay's magazine, I just wanted to bake something. She makes it look so good. I felt like a cheese cake so I found this recipe  here.

It wasn't my best attempt, a far cry from Donna Hay's cakes. But just like a mom would frame up their kid's first drawing, no matter how "abstract" the picture is, here am I.. proud of my lil' baby. Here are just some of the photos from my first attempt. I'll get it right some day:)

Hope you had a restful Saturday! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

When things don't go our way..

What happens when things do not go our way?

What happens when you've been believing for a miracle and it doesn't happen?

What happens when our heart gets a lil' hurt or when we face a huge mountain of uncertainty?

What happens now?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. [Romans 8:28]

Yes! This is truth promised to us. It is hard to say this when my friend is on the other side of victory. But He was the same God that orchestrated and wrote this story too in my friend's life..

My friend S had always wanted to get to bible college but how could it be when the family is non-believers. Prayerfully, he shared his dream with his mom and it wasn't declined totally but came with a condition; graduate with degree from university..then she will think about it. Studying wasn't his strong point but he powered through with the dream in view. One semester comes to an end and he passed 3 out of the 4 modules. The numbers 45 puts a dent to his dream. What does he do? Pray. 

Miracle number 1 unfolds. After arranging a meeting with his teachers to appeal his marks, they are left puzzled with the reason for the meeting as the marks on the system reveal 54. S is dumbfounded. How did it happen? It was a miracle. They found some errors in the marking of the exam papers and everyone got a revised mark. OMG! Only God can do it..

You thought that would make a good story. But it gets better. Final semester arrives and sadly the same thing happens again. One subject falls below the pass mark, bringing another blow when the dream is just around the corner. Full of faith, he keeps believing. God whispers, " S, do you not think I can do it again?" Meetings were arranged and appeals were made, what happens? God does it again. Some people says it is luck but I know there is a force bigger than that..His name is Jesus, whose name carries more weight than any other name.

 Finally the mom agrees to him attending Planetshakers College. Dreams do come through.

Well, this is how God's plan are always better than our finite imagination. During the family trip to Melbourne for S' graduation from university, the family visited our church. I am so happy as S got the best graduation gift he could ever get: the gift of salvation of his mom and family. God is always good!

Well, when things don't go our way..I remember S' story and encourage S himself that this same God has a greater plan, even in the face of this next mountain in his life. Just keep believing that the best is yet to come.

I believe that with all my heart..

Don't give up..just keep reading the next few verses in Romans 8...

35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? ...37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

We always win in the end..

p/s can't seem to get the colours of the text the right colour..oh well..sometimes things just don't go my way! :) 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Makeover: Baby Abigail's Room

My beautiful friends P & HW welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Abigail on Friday 31st May 2013. It was a wonderful day as we witness a fulfilment of God's promise and the new beginnings of a precious life.  What a reminder of how God is truly faithful to His Word and keeps His promises every time!
 He never fails...

To welcome you to this world, here's a lil' gift from "Aunty" SLG 
(gosh! I think I just spotted some new wrinkles :)) Anyhoo, hope you like it!

Awwwww!! Isn't she just adorable??
Love you heaps Abby, P & HW!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Venturing into the unfamiliar.

There will always be times where we face something new. something out of the norm, something that pushes us past our comfort zones. Does this sound familiar to you?

Yesterday my incredible church, Planetshakers hosted an event for the Ministry of One. Yes, it was a costume party for the singles, themed "Western Wild Wild West" , reason enough to to make me think twice. But I went along anyway to this adventurous night, though a lil' sceptical.  

Boy, was I so wrong! I thoroughly enjoyed the night. It was an awesome night, full of line dancing, mingling and laughters. Sometimes, we just need to push past that unfamiliarity and hush that pride or fear that tries to limits us. You'll be pleasantly surprise at what you might have missed out on. 

This might be a simple lesson but one worth pondering...what adventure awaits you on the other side?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Change is here..

In the last week, I have..

-chopped off my locks. I have joined the "Short Hair Club"
-joined the local gym. And I have been to the gym 3 times in the last 7 days! Woo! 
-jumped on the bandwagon of drinking green looking juice. 
"Did you know that kale has more iron than beef per calorie?" :)

Just finished prepping my lunch which is a salad with a side of roasted pumpkin.  

Hands up if you're proud of me!! 


Monday, April 22, 2013 apologies!

Aloha from Queenstown!

My apologies for my MIA status recently. April 2013 has been the best, though the busiest but rewarding at the same time. The month started with the awesome Planetshakers Conference. It is one of the events that I anticipate every year. God was so faithful to once again show up and show off at this event. I remember that one night at conference where I had a life - defining encounter with my God.

I was once again reminded that I was made to worship God. The best part is that God's greatest desire is not just my worship, but He desires me. He loves me so !(feel free to re-live the Conference and hear the awesome sermons once again here) It was one night I would never forget as I renewed my wedding vows with God. You will always have my heart :)

Well, since then, life's been a buzz too. My parents came to town for a visit. Now, we are in Queenstown holidaying. I am constantly amazed at God's creation.

Here are just a few photos to show off the greatness of our God and the beauty of His creation :)

The sunset that greeted me on my first night at Queenstown. The view from a dinner place.

 That's all from me for now.

Will talk more soon!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

#easter is coming

Jesus chose to die in my place. He had every right to turn away in disappointment in seeing the people that he came to save.. deny him, reject him, torture him but He still chose to go to that cross. 
I am ever grateful Jesus. You paid the ultimate price for my salvation. I love you so!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

In the making: Easter Eggs

What you need// egg shells//food colouring//gold paint
Empty out the egg shells// Make sure the egg
shells can stand alone so peel off the shells till
the bottom has a flat side to help in the drying
process//Boil some water// Drop in the food
colouring into a bowl// Follow the instructions
on the bottle to achieve the nicest tone//
Add 2 tablespoon of vinegar as well//
Dip the egg shells in//The longer you soak
in, the darker the colours turn out so do a
quick dip :)
Tada! Use the gold paint to add
character and some glamour!

Hope you have a great season celebrating Easter! May you know the real meaning of Easter where Jesus gave his life for us. He loved me so that He went to the cross to die in my place. Not only did he die on the cross, He rose again, conquering death. He has won the victory and because of Him, I can live victoriously. You can too!

Happy Easter!

p/s Feel free to drop by my awesome church //

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The journey..

While continuing my quest to read the bible in a year, I find myself reading many journeys of  different people in the bible. These stories sound strangely familiar to me as it somehow depicts  my life and I'm sure yours too. We are all on a journey. We are not made perfect and all together but God promises us that He is not one to leave us nor forsake us {Deuteronomy 31:6} He is the one that promises that He will work all things for the good of those who love Him {Romans 4:28}

Isn't it amazing that God promises Joshua that verse in Deuteronomy before Joshua enters into the Promised Land. Yes! Joshua scouted the land prior and he did see the many giants and challenges that would face him. But He chose to believe. Do not be afraid, only believe. I got to catch that heart as well, just as Joshua had, that was determined to see God do the miraculous. Though the circumstances may be like giants in our eyes, God is Bigger. He is able! And if HE said HE will DO it, I choose to believe.

Fast forward a lil to the end of the book of Joshua, and we see Joshua's recollection of what God has done. How amazing to see that God's fingerprint was on each step of the journey. We see Abraham's journey of faith to Canaan that brought about the promised child, Isaac, to Jacob the father of Joseph. Joseph's life alone is enough to stir us to understand the extent of finding rest in God in the face of hardship at every turn in his life. Then, we find our ancestors in Egypt to be taken care of in times of famine and years later rescued miraculously from their slavery. He didn't part the red sea for His people to live as wanderers. He had great plans for them. He has a land flowing with milk and honey in store for them. Though it took many years to see that come to past, the victory was worth it on the other side of the fight. God was always with them! He knows the end point so all we need to is trust that He is a GOOD FATHER.

 So,  if you've heard that this Christian faith is a bed of roses, it is far from it. But I got better news. We have a friend that sticks closer than a brother, a comforter, a constant helper in time of need that is promised to us by Jesus. He is the Holy Spirit. He will journey with us through it all. We've got all we need to go through this journey called life.  Come hell or high waters, I choose to believe that God is GOOD!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Project V-I-V-I!

That's right..Celebrating V-I-V-I today!
The Final Product of the many nights of making these paper pom poms

Isn't it pretty?
Vivi on the left. Lily on the right is my amazing friend
who helped style the food for the party. 

It rained at the start of the set up and the Sun came out just in time to greet the guests. Half way through, it started to pour so we had to pack up and move the party inside. Amongst the crazi-ness of relocating and redecorating inside a tent, I had fun..hope you had a great time too, V!

 "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade," says my wise friend, L :)

So true..just choose to think positive and RE-decorate!

Friday, March 15, 2013

In the Making: Paper Pom Poms

I dedicate this post to my beautiful friend, Rachel. Miss R recently asked me the "how to" when I posted a photo on my instagram.

I found the idea on the Martha Stewart website years ago when my sister was getting married. She made me make approximately 500 paper pom poms as table settings for each guest at their wedding. Hey! The least I could do for my one and only beloved sister! What great memories we had making those pom poms! :)

So, here you go, Miss R..

All you need // tissue paper // flower wire
//Cut tissues papers into squares//
Layer at least 8 tissue paper squares//
// Fold them like an accordian to make a fan like//
**Hint! Put in more layers for a thicker and
"full" looking pom pom

//Fold the paper into half// Place the flower wire
 in the middle fold //
//Lie the "fan" facing upwards then start pulling
up the different layers to make the flower shape//


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Par-tay time!

My friend, HW turns 30 and we decided to throw a party! It was also an early birthday celebration for his wife, P. What better thing than a theme party! We decided on quite a quirky one..

In the making: Paper Cups with Personalised Stamp
All you need: White Paper Cups//Stamp//Ink Pad//
Bought some nice vintage napkins to fit the
 theme of the party! Check out this cool online shop, Lark

The centerpiece :) That aeroplane on the top
took me and my housemate, S a good two
hours off our  sleep time.
HW loves planes so the sacrifice must be made :)
My parties will always have hanging garlands :)
Found this cool "Scrabble" alphabet tiles on a website.
Used it to personalise a message to the special guests!  :)
The space is ready for food and guests :)
the main characters
The food is served!
                      Some of good looking people at the party :)



Hope you had a great weekend too!
From, Amy Farrah Fowler a.k.a S.L.G