While continuing my quest to read the bible in a year, I find myself reading many journeys of different people in the bible. These stories sound strangely familiar to me as it somehow depicts my life and I'm sure yours too. We are all on a journey. We are not made perfect and all together but God promises us that He is not one to leave us nor forsake us {Deuteronomy 31:6} He is the one that promises that He will work all things for the good of those who love Him {Romans 4:28}
Isn't it amazing that God promises Joshua that verse in Deuteronomy before Joshua enters into the Promised Land. Yes! Joshua scouted the land prior and he did see the many giants and challenges that would face him. But He chose to believe. Do not be afraid, only believe. I got to catch that heart as well, just as Joshua had, that was determined to see God do the miraculous. Though the circumstances may be like giants in our eyes, God is Bigger. He is able! And if HE said HE will DO it, I choose to believe.
Fast forward a lil to the end of the book of Joshua, and we see Joshua's recollection of what God has done. How amazing to see that God's fingerprint was on each step of the journey. We see Abraham's journey of faith to Canaan that brought about the promised child, Isaac, to Jacob the father of Joseph. Joseph's life alone is enough to stir us to understand the extent of finding rest in God in the face of hardship at every turn in his life. Then, we find our ancestors in Egypt to be taken care of in times of famine and years later rescued miraculously from their slavery. He didn't part the red sea for His people to live as wanderers. He had great plans for them. He has a land flowing with milk and honey in store for them. Though it took many years to see that come to past, the victory was worth it on the other side of the fight. God was always with them! He knows the end point so all we need to is trust that He is a GOOD FATHER.
So, if you've heard that this Christian faith is a bed of roses, it is far from it. But I got better news. We have a friend that sticks closer than a brother, a comforter, a constant helper in time of need that is promised to us by Jesus. He is the Holy Spirit. He will journey with us through it all. We've got all we need to go through this journey called life. Come hell or high waters, I choose to believe that God is GOOD!