Thursday, February 28, 2013

Have you lost weight?

Everytime I bump into my friend, R, she will always ask me, "Have you lost weight?"

"! (Excuse my Malaysian heritage) You are always so kind to me."

Time and time again I would assure her that I've not seen that scale tip to the left in the last few months. But I would secretly be happy with an extra spring in my step when I hear this question (don't deny it! you would too if you were me!) At the back of my head, I knew that it wasn't true.

Although, this time I felt a nudging in my spirit that God was trying to point out to me that indeed, I have been lighter. Not in the flesh. But in the spirit. I can confidently say that I live in so much more freedom in Christ than I ever have in my life. I am more confident of who I am in Christ. I am his daughter and He ain't gonna abandon me nor will He turn away when I call out for Him. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm far from perfect neither have I "arrived". 

Everyday is a chance to walk in the freedom that He purchased for me at such a high cost. By the blood of Jesus, I can live in freedom from sin, sickness and fear forever. I am grateful and this bible verse will I hold dear to remind me everyday..

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  ~ Galatians 5:1

My smile now is of an unspeakable joy of knowing that I don't have to carry that burden of sin ever again. God takes that weight off me. He can take that weight off you too? 

Shed those "weight" and you will definitely feel a difference.. It is going to be the better version of you! :)

p/s this post is not sponsored by any weight loss programme :) 

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